Sunday 30 March 2014

Neoprene shorts

Just wanted to quickly post about neoprene shorts. Although long legged baselayers have been doing the rounds with goalkeepers, a lot of elite (and amateur, even) goalkeepers are now using undershorts (and short sleeved baselayer t-shirts, normally with colours to match their team strip!) with a baselayer short instead of leggings. The benefits of keeping the muscle areas warm throughout cold and chilly games to prevent tears or sprains when called into action unexpectedly.

I managed to get hold of a pair new produced by Reusch off Ebay. A few other companies do them, but I'm sure it's possible to find ones not produced by goalkeeper specific companies.

Without fully realising what they were (getting back into the game after a significant while without a great knowledge base, is turning out to be an interesting learning curve, but what's the fun in not working things out?!?!), I bought them. But a weekend game later and I'd quickly worked it out; the extra heat being incredibly useful in a chilly wind on a Sunday morning. Although they seemed pricey, they do a great job, acting as a sort of baselayer and thermal short at the same time, the neoprene making them longer lasting and easy to clean too.

I love them so much I could write a poem about them (after all being made to with a Literature degree kind of fits, not sure how I'd manage a limerick), well, maybe...

On a serious note though, I'd really recommend them as they have turned out to be incredibly useful. Well recommended for the winter months or at training sessions when you're going to be working your muscles in cold conditions and don't want to pick up injuries (like Vorm's groin tear a while back, which could have been made worse by tensed/cold muscles).

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